You have decided to purchase New Gondola Shelving. You have taken all the measurements. You have mapped out the entire store. You are ready to place the order. What is the price?
You can now calculate the price of New Gondola Shelving including the discounts as stated in our catalog as well as the current steel surcharge. Simply enter the quantities of each item in the corresponding box of the size you plan to purchase. Then, click "Calculate Pricing". All pricing is for standard Sahara. There is a slight upcharge for other colors. When you are ready to order, give us a call at (800) 962-5307 or print out your calculations and fax them to us at (215) 925-4297.
Discount Structure:
List Price | Discount |
$1,500-$3,999 | 5% |
$4,000-$5,999 | 10% |
$6,000+ | 15% |